
I-INCE Strategy and Discussion Topics (2021)

The strategy is defined by the actions required to realize the vision.


  • World wide platform: this is for the larger part accomplished by the InterNoise congresses.
    The “lively international community” does however require a more continuous activity, like a forum where people can publish news, submit questions, ask for references, …. Such platform needs constant attention by somebody. NNI should be included in this activity.
  • Access to noise control technology. Part is covered by the forum mentioned above, part may be filled by presenting tutorials on different subjects or presenting links to educational videos at university sites or comparable.
  • Active partnership implies a pro-active attitude of I-INCE. Either by identifying issues ourselves or by endorsing issues identified by other bodies such as environmental groups or noise abatement societies. This requires some link between these groups and I-INCE.
  • Active communication with the noise control community through NNI, Website, Clear presentation with corporate identity …
Discussion Topics

Several, among them:

  • Formally, the I-INCE has national acoustic bodies as members. Direct contact between I-INCE and the members of those national bodies shall be coordinated with those national bodies. They may have programs running that enhance or interfere with the I-INCE strategy.
  • The I-INCE has limited resources, both money and person, that restrict the amount of energy that can be put into the strategy.
  • The I-INCE restricts it self to the pure technical world ands stays away from any specific policy. We are not an international Noise Abatement Society.

For more information on the International Institute of Noise Control Engineering, click here.

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