
  • A main link is the link to the news section of I-INCE which provides News for I-INCE. Then there is also the link to Noise News International which provides news on current events and also link to articles of interest in Noise Control Engineering and link to materials and instruments for Noise Control.
  • There is also a lot of information on noise control engineering available on the World Wide Web. You can can use Google or Bing with the search word “Noise Control” to get many hits. An interesting website is the Noise Control WikiPedia.
  • The Commission of the European Communities has a website section dedicated to Noise and the Environment The Web Page contains links to recent priorities in noise and a number of interesting policy reports in many European Languages.
  • Development of WHO Environmental noise guidelines for the European Region
    WHO/Europe is currently in the process of developing the WHO Environmental Noise Guidelines for the European Region as a regional update to the WHO Community Noise Guidelines. The Guidelines will include a review of evidence on the health effects of environmental noise to incorporate significant research carried out in the last years. The health outcomes for which the evidence will be systematically reviewed include: sleep disturbance, annoyance, cognitive impairment, mental health and wellbeing, cardiovascular diseases, hearing impairment and tinnitus and adverse birth outcomes.
  • The International Commission for Acoustics website has general information related to the activities of the International Commission for Acoustics and also a list of available travel grants for student and young scientist and engineers and links to past Congress Proceedings
  • For any information related to acoustics at your local level, we encourage you to contact your national society. You can find a list of National Societies here: Member Societies – I-INCE

Thank You