The I-INCE programs for Young Professionals are managed by the Vice President – Congresses and coordinated by the YP Coordinator.
- VP: Tyler Dare (2024-2026)
- YP Coordinator: O. Taha Sen (2017- Present)
In 2010, I-INCE initiated a grant program for noise control engineering students and young professionals who were within the first ten years of their careers. The goals of the grant is to expose students and young acousticians to senior professionals, give them experience in public presentation and paper writing, and assist them in the development of networking abilities. In the beginning, I-INCE allocated 12 to 18 grants, with 500 Euros per recipient, to pay for conference registration and some travel expenses. This grant enabled these young professionals and students to attend the INTER-NOISE Congress and network with senior engineers.
Some History of the Grant is as follows:
139 I-INCE grants (61 of 500 EUR each and 98 of 600 EUR each) awarded in 9 years (2010-2018) – out of over 300 applications.
Local congress organizers are expected to enhance these.
More detailed information, including rules and history, can be found at this link.
The goals of the Young Professionals workshop are to provide mentorship via case studies and professional issues presented by world-renowned experts and to hold informal discussions between young professionals and I-INCE leaders and senior noise control engineers. Once the winners of the Young Professionals Grant have been determined, all of the participants are invited to this workshop to gain valuable contacts and view presentations by noise control professionals. Information about the history of the workshop and a summary of the presentations made at some previous workshops can be found at this link.
Young Professional Program | Goals |
I-INCE Young Professional Congress Attendance Grants Program (application form and rules below) | The goal of the grant is to encourage students and young engineers or scientists to attend INTER-NOISE Congresses Award winners are invited to the Mentoring workshop. |
I-INCE Young Professionals Mentoring Workshop at INTER-NOISE Congress (usually on Monday afternoon) | The goals of the Young Professionals Workshop are to provide mentorship on professional skills (networking, communication, making a good start in a new job, etc.), and to allow time for Young Professional Awardees to hold informal discussions with world re-known experts in the field. |
Awardee Presentations and Social Networking Session (usually follows on from the Mentoring Workshop) | Provides opportunities for Young Professionals to have informal social interactions with I-INCE Leaders and experts in the field of noise control. |
School on Practice of Noise Control (started in 2018, takes place late morning to mid-afternoon on Sunday before the INTER-NOISE Congress opens) | The goal is to show students how experts have applied their acoustics and vibrations knowledge to solve noise problems. |
In 2010, I-INCE initiated a grant program for noise control engineering students and young professionals who were within the first ten years of their careers. This grant provides som financial support for these young professionals and sutdents to attend the INTER-NOISE Congress and network with senior engineers. The goals of the grant is to expose students and young acousticians to senior professionals, give them expeirnece in public presentation and paper writing, and assist them in the development of networking.
History of the program is as follows:
- 197 I-INCE grants (61 of 500 EUR each and 136 of 600 EUR each) awarded in 10 years (2010-2020), which includes 11 awards from the Melbourne Convention Bureau for INTER-NOISE 2014.
- 21 more to be awarded in the next year
- Local congress organizers only enhance these awards, if possible. For example, the Melbourne INTER-NOISE 2014 Congress provided funding for 11 grants from developing countries in 2014, SEA provided 6 travel grants for students residing in Spain and Portugal.
- Countries Represented = 40
- Total Allocation by I-INCE in 10 years (2010-2020) = about 106,700 EUR
- Previous Awardees and Countries of Study and Origin are listed below.
A call for applications goes out about 9 months before the INTER-NOISE Congress. The rules of the competition, the application form and other important information are posted on this I-INCE website (see below). In addition to completing and submitting the application form on this website, the applicants are required to complete Congress registration, comply with the deadlines for submission of the abstract and the manuscript as described on the conference website, and participate in the Congress. Students and young professionals are now required to submit their applications online on the I-INCE Young Professionals site. The applications are reviewed by an I-INCE judging panel and up to 20 awards are made. A provisional winners list is compiled and given to the technical program chair and staff of the INTER-NOISE Congress, and the best of the remaining candidates are put on a waiting list in case a provisional winner is unable to attend the Congress.
The Board of the International Institute of Noise Control Engineering (I-INCE) anticipates awarding 20 I-INCE Young Professional INTER-NOISE 2025 Congress Attendance Grants (YP Grants). Each I-INCE YP Grant has a value of 600 Euro.
- INTER-NOISE 2025 Congress is expected to be in person. Please complete the form(s) that are posted here (which assume in-person congress mode). The grant award committee(s) will determine the extent of the award and inform you accordingly when the award is made.
- Please carefully read the following narrative to determine eligibility and ground rules of each award.
- A student may apply to several travel awards but will receive only one award (I-INCE Young Professionals Award) to attend INTER-NOISE 2025. If the student is a potential recipient of two or more travel grants, only one (the most financially beneficial) award will be given to that student.
- Please continue to visit the website for latest updates including the abstract/paper deadlines as the forms will not be updated. Share the information posted to ensure everyone can take advantage of these great opportunities.
- Additional Details on the I-INCE programs for students and young professionals will be described on the upcoming Inter-Noise website
Candidates can be either undergraduate or postgraduate students, postdoctoral, or young acousticians or noise control engineers working in industry. Candidates must be relatively early in their professional careers (typically less than 10 years of active career). Preference will be given to students.
Prior I-INCE grant winners are not eligible for the I-INCE Young Professionals Grants.
Deadline: Same date as the INTER-NOISE 2025 Abstract Deadline
Check the INTER-NOISE 2025 Website for latest information on Abstract Deadlines.
- First, submit your abstract using the INTER-NOISE 2024 abstract submission portal. Instructions are given on the website:
- Record the paper or abstract number given to you upon submission of the abstract
- Download the Young Professionals application form in MSword format here or in PDF format here
- Rename the file with your abstract number: #####_IN25_YPG_YourLastName.pdf
- Complete the YP grant application. Follow instructions given in yellow section on the form.
Describe research in only one paper for the YP grant process, even if you anticipate having multiple papers in the Congress.
The research described should relate to the paper that you will submit associated with the abstract reproduced in the application.These are highly competitive, prestigious awards, so please follow instructions and edit your application carefully before submitting. If you do not follow instructions, you will not receive an award.
- Required information and a copy of the submitted INTER-NOISE abstract.
- One page that provides more details on theory, experiments, results or conclusions, as relevant to the paper that will be submitted for the abstract given on Page 1.
- One-page professional biography of the applicant.
- A copy of the applicant’s passport or comparable (government issued) identity card.
- (optional, but highly desirable) A recommendation or funding support letter from your supervisor or an officer of your local I-INCE member society.
A list of member societies can be found at:
- Combine the above information into a SINGLE PDF file and upload to this I-INCE web site Young Professionals Section using the file upload portal below.
Applications will be reviewed and assessed by an I-INCE YP Grants judging panel comprised of I-INCE Leaders.
Notification will be provided to successful applicants around one month after the deadline. Awardees’ “complimentary” registration identification number will soon follow enabling successful applicants to register for the Congress without paying.
Note that the actual cost of your registration will be deducted from the award and usually, for on-site in-person Congresses, the remainder of the award will be paid in local currency during the conference.
People sometimes decline awards because they have another award and they cannot accept both, or they are unable to complete their paper, or they are unable to attend the conference. Usually, after review there is a waiting list of applicants who reviewers thought worthy of receiving this prestigious Young Professional Award, but there were insufficient funds for them. Applicants on this waiting list will be informed. Should awards be declined, they will be reassigned to people on the waiting list.
The awardees who meet all the requirements below will receive the award and will have their names posted on the I-INCE website after the Congress to recognize their achievement of being a recipient of these prestigious awards.
After being informed that they have received the award and they have the “complimentary” registration code, the successful candidates must:
- complete conference registration following instructions on the INTER-NOISE website,
- comply with the deadlines for submission of the manuscript on the INTER-NOISE website,
- have their paper accepted for presentation at the Congress and inclusion in the Proceedings of the Congress,
- attend the Congress,
- present themselves personally to the Congress and Young Professionals program organizers with verification documents such as passport or identity card
- present their paper,
- attend the Young Professionals Workshop/Panel Discussion, and the Awards Ceremony (see email from Taha Sen asking you to sign up for the ceremony). Two sessions may be planned because if it is an E-Congress, both will be on Thursday, August 25th, 2022. The first ceremony will be at 10:00 am to 12:00 noon (Paris Time), which is 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm Tokyo Time and will be a ZOOM meeting); and the second ceremony is at 2:00 to 4:00 pm, New York time.
- go to the INTER-NOISE on-site registration desk to collect the remainder of the YP Grant in local currency
- Note that no (cash) payments will be made to successful candidates prior to the Congress.
Needs Content
Once the winners of the Young Professionals Grant have been determined, they are usually invited to this Workshop so that they can gain valuable contacts and view presentations by noise control professionals. The invitation is also extended to most students who register for the Congress.
A notice about the Workshop is posted on the INTER-NOISE Congress website, giving those who are not directly invited a chance to contact the Workshop organizers in order to attend the Workshop.
- Workshop attendees are treated to discussions of topics such as:
- Mission and Scope of I-INCE Activities
How to Publish a Paper on Noise?
How to Formulate Research Programs?
How to Network with Professionals?
How to Present a Paper at an I-INCE Congress?
Perspective by a Young Professional Starting Their Careers
How to Assist in the Organization of Technical Sessions?
This is usually followed by the presentation of certificates to Young Professional Travel Grant Awardees and a social networking reception (by invitation only) with I-INCE leaders and noise control experts.
Examples of Past Young Professionals Recent Workshop Presentations
How to Network? – S. Hambric (Pennsylvania State University)
A network is a group of people who help each other. For example, from the network, you can find information to help with your job and find opportunities for new projects. Professional networking is best done face to face, and professional meetings are a great place to start and/or grow your own personal network. Good times to network at professional meetings are during evening socials, coffee breaks, at the vendor exposition, bus and taxi rides, poster sessions, and after sessions. Join groups talking with presenters and authors. Ask about other people’s research interests, their company or university, and their country. Exchange business cards with people. You can help your new contact later by referring one to another of your contacts.
Mission and Activities of I-INCE: – R. Singh
Professor Singh has discussed the I-INCE mission and its history. Various technical activities, publications and programs for young professionals are briefly explained. Young professionals are invited to become involved and participate in the planning of future technical sessions.
How to Publish a Paper on Noise? – C. Burroughs, J. S. Bolton and P. Davies
The main elements of all papers are: introduction, approach, results, conclusions, references. In the introduction, the author should state the problem. Offer a critical review of what has been done, and review relevant literature. Be careful to not overly engage in self-referencing. The approach should be clear, complete, and concise. There should be enough information for a reader to duplicate the work. Cite a reference when possible to avoid repeating material that is easy to find in a literature search. More information can be found in the INTER-NOISE 2010 Congress paper (by K. Attenborough, J.S. Bolton, P. Davies, C. B. Burroughs, S.A. Hambric, G. Maling, and R. Muehleisen), Publication of Your Paper on Noise, Paper # 467, INTER-NOISE 2010, 13 – 16 June 2010, Lisbon, Portugal. A copy of the paper is available HERE
How to Present a Paper at I-INCE Congresses? – P. Donavan (Illingworth & Rodkin)
Presenting a paper at a conference is a three-step process – prepare the abstract and paper, prepare the slides, and present the paper. Keep the slides simple and use 18 or higher font. One slide per minute is a good guideline to follow. Since you’ll only have their attention for a few minutes, adjust your content and consider the ability to grasp and remember the material. Practice your talk several times for timing. Do not read from prepared text, nor should you read directly from the slides.
Building up the Acoustics Community of Tomorrow – E. Ascari (EAA Young Acousticians Network)
The European Acoustics Association’s Young Acousticians Network (YAN) is a Pan-European network for young people working in acoustics forming a community of young acousticians. They provide free services, connections with national activities and are a central contact point in Europe. YAN offers a mailing list and a monthly newsletter to keep members informed on various topics, including upcoming events and deadlines, publications from YAN members and society presentations. YAN also offers social events so that young acousticians can come together and network. More information can be found on their website.
The School will take place on Sunday, 2022, August 21 and end just before the Congress Opening Ceremony. Young Professional Grant Awardees are invited to participate and other students can express interest in attending when they register for the Congress. Depending on space, some of those expressing interest in attending may be invited to attend. It is a five-hour School that includes four or five presentations on various aspects of Noise Control practice and lunch.
The Agenda for the 2022 School will be posted later. Here are the details of the previous School in 2021. The Topics and speakers will change for 2022, but all will be focused on noise and vibration control.
A PDF of the 2021 School Program can be downloaded here
Sponsored by I-INCE 2021 Practice of Noise Control School
Overview of 2021 School Presenters and Topics
Saturday July 31st
The three sessions below will be live sessions conducted via Zoom. Links will be sent to participants who sign up. Invitees are welcome to attend all 3 sessions, but one might not be so time-friendly!
Session 1
Saturday 10:45 am – 1:15 pm Japan/Korea Time Zone
[3:45 am – 6:15 am German Time Zone, 9:45 pm(Fri) – 12-15 am East Coast USA Time Zone]
10:45-1100 Log in and Introductions
11:00-12:00 Jeong-Guon Ih
12:00-13:00 Yangfan Liu
13:00-13:15 Closing Remarks
Session 2
Sunday 10:45 am-1:15 pm German Time Zone
[4:45 am-7:15 am East Coast USA Time Zone, 5:45 pm-8:15 pm Japan/Korea Time Zone]
10:45-11:00 Log in and Introductions
11:00-12:00 Etienne Parizet
12:00-13:00 Dick Bowdler
1300:13:15 Closing Remarks
Session 3
Sunday 10:45 am-1:15 pm East Coast USA Time Zone
[4:45 pm-7:15 pm German Time Zone, 11:45 pm-2:15 am (Mon) Japan/Korea Time Zone]
10:45-11:00 Log in and Introductions
11:00-12:00 Joe Cushieri
12:00-13:15 Judith (Judy) Rochat
13:00-13:15 Closing Remarks
The Young Professionals Grant is truly an international affair with participation from forty-two (42) countries. The enclosed table gives the demographics per country based on the country of origin of the participant and the country of work or study. In total, I-INCE has given 205 Young Professionals Congress Attendance Awards.
Country | Country of Origin | Country of Work/Study | Country | Country of Origin | Country of Work/Study |
Albania | 1 | 0 | Rpublic of Korea | 27 | 23 |
Algeria | 1 | 0 | Malaysia | 1 | 2 |
Argentina | 2 | 2 | Netherlands | 6 | 4 |
Australia | 1 | 6 | New Zealand | 2 | 3 |
Austria | 2 | 3 | Norway | 1 | 1 |
Belgium | 7 | 9 | Pakistan | 2 | 0 |
Brazil | 6 | 3 | Poland | 4 | 4 |
Canada | 2 | 4 | Portugal | 0 | 1 |
Chile | 3 | 1 | Romania | 1 | 0 |
China | 48 | 15 | Russia | 1 | 1 |
Croatia | 1 | 1 | Serbia | 4 | 4 |
Czech Republic | 2 | 0 | Singapore | 1 | 2 |
Denmark | 0 | 4 | Spain | 9 | 8 |
France | 7 | 4 | Sri Lanka | 1 | 0 |
Germany | 17 | 24 | Sweden | 1 | 4 |
Hong Kong | 0 | 3 | Switzerland | 1 | 2 |
Hungary | 4 | 4 | Thailand | 3 | 3 |
India | 23 | 17 | Turkey | 14 | 11 |
Indonesia | 6 | 5 | United Kingdom | 7 | 19 |
Iran | 3 | 0 | USA | 12 | 35 |
Ireland | 0 | 1 | Vietnam | 4 | 0 |
Italy | 20 | 22 | Zimbabwe | 1 | 0 |
Japan | 17 | 22 |
Some of the 2022 YP Award winners with I-INCE President Bob Bernhard at INTER-NOISE 2022 in Glasgow
First | Last | Country of Origin | Country of Work/Study |
Victor | Andres | Spain | Spain |
Elie | Abi Raad | France | Germany |
Laura Mariana | Babici | Romania | Spain |
Sri Krishna | Chaitanya | India | India |
Matteo | Cingolani | Italy | Italy |
Domenico | De Salvio | Italy | Italy |
Cesare Lupo | Ferrari | Italy | Italy |
Giulia | Fratoni | Italy | Italy |
Luca | Fredianelli | Italy | Italy |
Gioia | Fusaro | Italy | Italy |
Pravinkumar | Ghodake | India | India |
Daniele | Giannini | Italy | Belgium |
Satoshi | Hoshika | Japan | Japan |
Balasundaram | Mohan | India | India |
Uyeup | Park | Republic of Korea | Republic of Korea |
Nara Gabriela de Mesquita | Peixoto | Brazil | Brazil |
Vedran | Planinec | Croatia | Croatia |
Wannes | Stalmans | Belgium | Belgium |
Ugur | Tatiler | Turkey | Turkey |
Samuel | Underwood | USA | USA |
Jasper | Vastiau | Belgium | Belgium |
First | Last | Country of Origin | Country of Work/Study |
Victor | Andres | Spain | Spain |
Yue | Bao | China | China |
Jonathan | Broyles | USA | USA |
Ma | Donmez | Turkey | USA |
Christian | Dreier | Germany | Germany |
Jianxiong | Feng | China | USA |
Umut | Murat | Gok Turkey | Turkey |
Liang | Haoming | China | China |
Atsuto | Inoue | Japan | Japan |
Takuto | Kurosawa | Japan | Japan |
Peter | Lai | USA | USA |
Yazhong | Lu | USA | USA |
Luiz Henrique | Mesa Casa Pereira | Brazil | Germany |
Satoshi | Nanri | Japan | Japan |
Simon | Prenant | France | Canada |
David | Ramierz Solana | Spain | Spain |
Bahadir | Sarikaya | Turkey | USA |
Aksah | Yella | India | India |
First | Last | Country of Origin | Country of Work/Study |
Muhammad Irsalan | Arif | Pakistan | Hong Kong |
Won Hong | Choi | Republic of Korea | USA |
Alessia | Frescura | Italy | United Kingdom |
C.T. Justine | Hui | New Zeland | New Zeland |
Hyun In | Jo | Republic of Korea | Republic of Korea |
Tongmin | Kim | Republic of Korea | Republic of Korea |
Hassan | Liravi | Iran | Spain |
Jinyu | Liu | China | Japan |
Karolina | Martinson | Poland | Poland |
Melanie | Nolan | France | Denmark |
Sangwon | Park | Republic of Korea | Republic of Korea |
Yun Seol | Park | Republic of Korea | Republic of Korea |
Mirco | Pezzoli | Italy | Italy |
Hee Soo | Pyo | Republic of Korea | Republic of Korea |
Anathapadmanbhan | Ramesh | India | India |
Kajornpop | Toboonchuay | Thailand | Thailand |
Samuel | Verburg | Spain | Denmark |
Sung Soo | Yang | Republic of Korea | Republic of Korea |
Jiaxin | Zhong | China | Australia |
First | Last | Country of Origin | Country of Work/Study |
Deepak | Akiwate | India | India |
Maxime | Bilodeau | Canada | Canada |
Zenong | Cai | China | China |
Jonathan | Chen | USA | USA |
Keyu | Chen | China | USA |
Sonja | Di Blasio | Italy | Italy |
Bence | Fenyvesi | Hungary | Hungary |
In-Jee | Jung | Republic of Korea | Republic of Korea |
Eloise | Kalavsky | United Kingdom | United Kingdom |
Ho Yong | Kim | Republic of Korea | Republic of Korea |
Michael | Kohnen | Germany | Germany |
Anastasiia | Krushynska | Netherlands | Italy |
Farhan Ahmed | Manegar | India | Germany |
Hansol | Park | Republic of Korea | Republic of Korea |
Guiseppina Emma | Puglisi | Italy | Italy |
Alexander | Stronach | United Kingdom | United Kingdom |
Kristof | Tokaji | Hungary | Hungary |
Akif | Yavuz | Turkey | Turkey |
Miki | Yonemura | Japan | Japan |
First | Last | Country of Origin | Country of Work/Study |
Deepak | Akiwate | India | India |
Ersen | Arsian | Turkey | Turkey |
Nicolás | Bastián | Chile | Chile |
Veerababu | Dharanalakota | India | India |
Caleb | Goates | USA | USA |
Siva Teja | Golla | India | India |
Kanji | Ishikawa | Japan | Japan |
Juhyun | Jeon | Republic of Korea | Republic of Korea |
Xishan | Jiang | China | China |
Jun Gu | Kim | Republic of Korea | Republic of Korea |
Guo | Long | China | USA |
Li | Ma | China | Hong Kong |
Miguel Yael | Pereda Albarrán | Spain | Germany |
Tobias | Renz | Germany | Germany |
Kangping | Ruan | China | USA |
Risako | Tanigawa | Japan | Japan |
Cédric | Van hoorickx | Belgium | Belgium |
Shuping | Wang | China | China |
Yu | Xiong | China | USA |
Yutong | Xue | China | USA |
First | Last | Country of Origin | Country of Work/Study |
Da-Young | Kim | Republic of Korea | Republic of Korea |
Miguel Angel | Moratilla-Vega | Spain | United Kingdom |
Yiqiao | Hou | China | USA |
Sipel | Zhao | China | Australia |
Hyeong Rae | Lee | Republic of Korea | Republic of Korea |
Bartiomiej | Kukulski | Poland | Poland |
Wei | Huang | China | China |
Omer Anil | Tozkoparan | Turkey | Germany |
Jens | Mecking | Germanuy | Germanuy |
Alexander | Klabes | Germany | Germany |
Miyu | Hashimoto | Japan | Japan |
Tang | Qisen | China | China |
Merve | Esmebasi | Turkey | Turkey |
Fanyu | Meng | China | Germany |
Xuhao | Du | China | Australia |
Zhengqing | Liu | China | Australia |
Christoph | Struempfel | Germany | Germany |
Andrew | Price | Canada | Canada |
Yangfan | Liu | China | USA |
Guillermo | Quintero Perez | Mexico | Spain |
First | Last | Country |
Simon | Brown | United States |
Susumu | Hirakawa | Japan/United Kingdom |
Paramasivam | Balakrishnan | India |
Gil | Jun Lee | Republic of Korea/USA |
Shahab | Fatima | India |
Marko | Jankovic | Serbia |
Joshua | Meggitt | United Kingdom |
Alexander | Lee | Republic of Korea/Germany/Switzerland |
Yuanfang | Zhang | China/France |
Chang | Liu | China/Netherlands |
Behshad | Noori | Iran/Spain |
Miodrag | Stanojeevic | Serbia |
Ana | Dordevic | Serbia |
Daniel | Steele | USA/Canada |
Dongwoo | Min | Republic of Korea |
Gahee | Kwon | Republic of Korea |
First | Last | Country | Country of Work/Study |
Rui | Cao | China | USA |
Philip | Feurtado | USA | USA |
Filip | Franek | Czech Republic | Republic of Korea |
Youssef | Gerges | France | France |
Laure-Anne | Gille | France | France |
Rui | He | China | USA |
Michael | Krak | USA | USA |
David | Larner | Australia | Australia |
Seungkyu | Lee | Republic of Korea | USA |
Robertus | Opdam | Netherlands | Germany |
Joseph | Plattenburg | USA | USA |
Leandro | Rodiño | Argentina/Spain | Argentina |
Sneha | Singh | India | United Kingdom |
David P. | Song | USA | Republic of Korea |
Guohua | Sun | China | USA |
Hongdan | Tao China | USA | |
Yuhui | Tong | China | Australia |
Antoni | Torras-Rosell | Spain | Denmark |
First | Last | Country | Country of Work/Study |
Marieke | Bezemer-Krihnen | Netherlands | Netherlands |
Martin | Fischer | Germany | Germany |
Silke | Hohls | Germany | Germany |
Sebastian | John | Germany | Germany |
Dong-Soo | Kang | South Korea | South Korea |
Christine | Klei | Germany | Germany |
Joonhee | Lee | South Korea | USA |
Zhao | Peng | China | USA |
Calum | Shark | United Kingdom | United Kingdom |
Andre | Verstappen | New Zeland | New Zeland |
Jung-Han | Woo | South Korea | South Korea |
Liang | Yao | China | Japan |
Yong-Bin | Zhang | China | China |
Jianwen | Zheng | China | China |
First | Last | Country | Country of Work/Study |
Apoorv | Agha | India | Singapore |
David | Bello Bondarenco | Brazil | Brazil |
Abhijit | Dhamanekar | India | India |
Nicholas | Durup | United Kingdom | United Kingdom |
Rafael | Gerges | Brazil | Brazil |
Maya | Mochizuki | Japan | Japan |
Yasir | Naveed | Pakistan | Hong Kong |
Ni Puto Amanda | Nitidara | Indonesia | Indonesia |
Andreas | Stephanus | Indonesia | Indonesia |
Hongyun | Tang | China | China |
Sahana Hasaranga | Wasala | Sri Lanka | New Zeland |
First | Last | Country | Country of Work/Study |
Elena | Ascari | Italy | Italy |
Mai | Fujiwara | Japan | Japan |
Gabor | Gareb | Hungary | Hungary |
Markus | Guldenschuh | Austria | Austria |
Carsten | Hoever | Germany | Sweden |
Fabio | Kaiser | Austria | Austria |
Hasan | Koruk | Turkey | Turkey/USA |
Pyoung Jik | Lee | South Korea | Switzerland |
Katarina | Paunovic | Serbia | Serbia |
Sarah | Payne | United Kingdom | United Kingdom |
Andrea | Prato | Italy | Italy |
Edwin | Reynders | Belgium | Belgium |
Laura | Rossi | Italy | Italy |
Peter | Rucz | Hungary | Hungary |
Lena | Schell-Majoor | Gerrmany | Gerrmany |
Osman | Sen | Turkey | Turkey |
Cheng | Yang | China | Hong Kong |
Xiaozheng | Zhang | China | China |
First | Last | Country | Country of Work/Study |
Vijaya | Ambrarisha | India | USA |
Annalies | Bockstael | Belgium | Belgium |
Cameron | Fackler | USA | USA |
Maria | Foraster Pulido | Spain | Spain |
Christoph | Hoeller | Germany | United Kingdom |
Maarten | Kornikx | Netherlands | Sweden |
Xin | Hau | China | USA |
Jeffrey | Kastner | USA | USA |
Seunghoon | Lee | Korea | Korea |
Shuhei | Oka | Japan | Japan |
Sönke | Pelzer | Germany | Germany |
Marcel | Remillieux | France | USA |
Jens | Rohlfing | Germany | Italy |
Josef | Schlittenlacher | Germany | Germany |
Louena | Shtrepi | Albania | Italy |
Rostand | Tayong | France | France |
Xavier | Valero | Spain | Spain |
Limin | Zhou | China | USA |
First | Last | Country | Country of Work/Study |
William | Baker | Zimbabwe | United Kingdom |
Thilo | Becker | Germany | Germany |
Efren | Fernandez-Grande | Spain | Denmark |
Balthasar | Fischer | Switzerland | Austria |
Byoungho | Kown | Korea | Korea |
Hyun | Lin | Korea | United Kingdom |
Thu Lan | Nguyen | Vietnam | Japan |
Quang | Nguyenhuy | Vietnam | Japan |
Eric | Schreurs | Netherlands | Australia |
Jianwei | Song | China | China |
Hui | Xie | China | United Kingdom |
Jianfei | Yin | China | United Kingdom |
First | Last | Country |
Ernesto | Accolti | Argentina |
Umberto | Berardi | Italy |
Hande | Bezci | Turkey |
Krishna Prampoorna | Biligiri | India/USA/Sweden |
Nikolay | Kanev | Russia |
Michal | Kozupa | |
Caroline | Marquez | Brazil |
Samira | Mohamady | Iran/Malaysia |
Elieni | Strufaldi | Brazil |
Kim | White | Netherlands |
Julia | Winwroth | Sweden |
Hui | Xie | China/United Kingdom |
Serkan | Zeren | Turkey |
Some of the 2022 YP Award winners with I-INCE President Bob Bernhard at INTER-NOISE 2022 in Glasgow
First | Last | Country of Origin | Country of Work/Study |
Victor | Andres | Spain | Spain |
Elie | Abi Raad | France | Germany |
Laura Mariana | Babici | Romania | Spain |
Sri Krishna | Chaitanya | India | India |
Matteo | Cingolani | Italy | Italy |
Domenico | De Salvio | Italy | Italy |
Cesare Lupo | Ferrari | Italy | Italy |
Giulia | Fratoni | Italy | Italy |
Luca | Fredianelli | Italy | Italy |
Gioia | Fusaro | Italy | Italy |
Pravinkumar | Ghodake | India | India |
Daniele | Giannini | Italy | Belgium |
Satoshi | Hoshika | Japan | Japan |
Balasundaram | Mohan | India | India |
Uyeup | Park | Republic of Korea | Republic of Korea |
Nara Gabriela de Mesquita | Peixoto | Brazil | Brazil |
Vedran | Planinec | Croatia | Croatia |
Wannes | Stalmans | Belgium | Belgium |
Ugur | Tatiler | Turkey | Turkey |
Samuel | Underwood | USA | USA |
Jasper | Vastiau | Belgium | Belgium |
First | Last | Country of Origin | Country of Work/Study |
Victor | Andres | Spain | Spain |
Yue | Bao | China | China |
Jonathan | Broyles | USA | USA |
Ma | Donmez | Turkey | USA |
Christian | Dreier | Germany | Germany |
Jianxiong | Feng | China | USA |
Umut | Murat | Gok Turkey | Turkey |
Liang | Haoming | China | China |
Atsuto | Inoue | Japan | Japan |
Takuto | Kurosawa | Japan | Japan |
Peter | Lai | USA | USA |
Yazhong | Lu | USA | USA |
Luiz Henrique | Mesa Casa Pereira | Brazil | Germany |
Satoshi | Nanri | Japan | Japan |
Simon | Prenant | France | Canada |
David | Ramierz Solana | Spain | Spain |
Bahadir | Sarikaya | Turkey | USA |
Aksah | Yella | India | India |
First | Last | Country of Origin | Country of Work/Study |
Muhammad Irsalan | Arif | Pakistan | Hong Kong |
Won Hong | Choi | Republic of Korea | USA |
Alessia | Frescura | Italy | United Kingdom |
C.T. Justine | Hui | New Zeland | New Zeland |
Hyun In | Jo | Republic of Korea | Republic of Korea |
Tongmin | Kim | Republic of Korea | Republic of Korea |
Hassan | Liravi | Iran | Spain |
Jinyu | Liu | China | Japan |
Karolina | Martinson | Poland | Poland |
Melanie | Nolan | France | Denmark |
Sangwon | Park | Republic of Korea | Republic of Korea |
Yun Seol | Park | Republic of Korea | Republic of Korea |
Mirco | Pezzoli | Italy | Italy |
Hee Soo | Pyo | Republic of Korea | Republic of Korea |
Anathapadmanbhan | Ramesh | India | India |
Kajornpop | Toboonchuay | Thailand | Thailand |
Samuel | Verburg | Spain | Denmark |
Sung Soo | Yang | Republic of Korea | Republic of Korea |
Jiaxin | Zhong | China | Australia |
First | Last | Country of Origin | Country of Work/Study |
Deepak | Akiwate | India | India |
Maxime | Bilodeau | Canada | Canada |
Zenong | Cai | China | China |
Jonathan | Chen | USA | USA |
Keyu | Chen | China | USA |
Sonja | Di Blasio | Italy | Italy |
Bence | Fenyvesi | Hungary | Hungary |
In-Jee | Jung | Republic of Korea | Republic of Korea |
Eloise | Kalavsky | United Kingdom | United Kingdom |
Ho Yong | Kim | Republic of Korea | Republic of Korea |
Michael | Kohnen | Germany | Germany |
Anastasiia | Krushynska | Netherlands | Italy |
Farhan Ahmed | Manegar | India | Germany |
Hansol | Park | Republic of Korea | Republic of Korea |
Guiseppina Emma | Puglisi | Italy | Italy |
Alexander | Stronach | United Kingdom | United Kingdom |
Kristof | Tokaji | Hungary | Hungary |
Akif | Yavuz | Turkey | Turkey |
Miki | Yonemura | Japan | Japan |
First | Last | Country of Origin | Country of Work/Study |
Deepak | Akiwate | India | India |
Ersen | Arsian | Turkey | Turkey |
Nicolás | Bastián | Chile | Chile |
Veerababu | Dharanalakota | India | India |
Caleb | Goates | USA | USA |
Siva Teja | Golla | India | India |
Kanji | Ishikawa | Japan | Japan |
Juhyun | Jeon | Republic of Korea | Republic of Korea |
Xishan | Jiang | China | China |
Jun Gu | Kim | Republic of Korea | Republic of Korea |
Guo | Long | China | USA |
Li | Ma | China | Hong Kong |
Miguel Yael | Pereda Albarrán | Spain | Germany |
Tobias | Renz | Germany | Germany |
Kangping | Ruan | China | USA |
Risako | Tanigawa | Japan | Japan |
Cédric | Van hoorickx | Belgium | Belgium |
Shuping | Wang | China | China |
Yu | Xiong | China | USA |
Yutong | Xue | China | USA |
First | Last | Country of Origin | Country of Work/Study |
Da-Young | Kim | Republic of Korea | Republic of Korea |
Miguel Angel | Moratilla-Vega | Spain | United Kingdom |
Yiqiao | Hou | China | USA |
Sipel | Zhao | China | Australia |
Hyeong Rae | Lee | Republic of Korea | Republic of Korea |
Bartiomiej | Kukulski | Poland | Poland |
Wei | Huang | China | China |
Omer Anil | Tozkoparan | Turkey | Germany |
Jens | Mecking | Germanuy | Germanuy |
Alexander | Klabes | Germany | Germany |
Miyu | Hashimoto | Japan | Japan |
Tang | Qisen | China | China |
Merve | Esmebasi | Turkey | Turkey |
Fanyu | Meng | China | Germany |
Xuhao | Du | China | Australia |
Zhengqing | Liu | China | Australia |
Christoph | Struempfel | Germany | Germany |
Andrew | Price | Canada | Canada |
Yangfan | Liu | China | USA |
Guillermo | Quintero Perez | Mexico | Spain |
First | Last | Country |
Simon | Brown | United States |
Susumu | Hirakawa | Japan/United Kingdom |
Paramasivam | Balakrishnan | India |
Gil | Jun Lee | Republic of Korea/USA |
Shahab | Fatima | India |
Marko | Jankovic | Serbia |
Joshua | Meggitt | United Kingdom |
Alexander | Lee | Republic of Korea/Germany/Switzerland |
Yuanfang | Zhang | China/France |
Chang | Liu | China/Netherlands |
Behshad | Noori | Iran/Spain |
Miodrag | Stanojeevic | Serbia |
Ana | Dordevic | Serbia |
Daniel | Steele | USA/Canada |
Dongwoo | Min | Republic of Korea |
Gahee | Kwon | Republic of Korea |
First | Last | Country | Country of Work/Study |
Rui | Cao | China | USA |
Philip | Feurtado | USA | USA |
Filip | Franek | Czech Republic | Republic of Korea |
Youssef | Gerges | France | France |
Laure-Anne | Gille | France | France |
Rui | He | China | USA |
Michael | Krak | USA | USA |
David | Larner | Australia | Australia |
Seungkyu | Lee | Republic of Korea | USA |
Robertus | Opdam | Netherlands | Germany |
Joseph | Plattenburg | USA | USA |
Leandro | Rodiño | Argentina/Spain | Argentina |
Sneha | Singh | India | United Kingdom |
David P. | Song | USA | Republic of Korea |
Guohua | Sun | China | USA |
Hongdan | Tao China | USA | |
Yuhui | Tong | China | Australia |
Antoni | Torras-Rosell | Spain | Denmark |
First | Last | Country | Country of Work/Study |
Marieke | Bezemer-Krihnen | Netherlands | Netherlands |
Martin | Fischer | Germany | Germany |
Silke | Hohls | Germany | Germany |
Sebastian | John | Germany | Germany |
Dong-Soo | Kang | South Korea | South Korea |
Christine | Klei | Germany | Germany |
Joonhee | Lee | South Korea | USA |
Zhao | Peng | China | USA |
Calum | Shark | United Kingdom | United Kingdom |
Andre | Verstappen | New Zeland | New Zeland |
Jung-Han | Woo | South Korea | South Korea |
Liang | Yao | China | Japan |
Yong-Bin | Zhang | China | China |
Jianwen | Zheng | China | China |
First | Last | Country | Country of Work/Study |
Apoorv | Agha | India | Singapore |
David | Bello Bondarenco | Brazil | Brazil |
Abhijit | Dhamanekar | India | India |
Nicholas | Durup | United Kingdom | United Kingdom |
Rafael | Gerges | Brazil | Brazil |
Maya | Mochizuki | Japan | Japan |
Yasir | Naveed | Pakistan | Hong Kong |
Ni Puto Amanda | Nitidara | Indonesia | Indonesia |
Andreas | Stephanus | Indonesia | Indonesia |
Hongyun | Tang | China | China |
Sahana Hasaranga | Wasala | Sri Lanka | New Zeland |
First | Last | Country | Country of Work/Study |
Elena | Ascari | Italy | Italy |
Mai | Fujiwara | Japan | Japan |
Gabor | Gareb | Hungary | Hungary |
Markus | Guldenschuh | Austria | Austria |
Carsten | Hoever | Germany | Sweden |
Fabio | Kaiser | Austria | Austria |
Hasan | Koruk | Turkey | Turkey/USA |
Pyoung Jik | Lee | South Korea | Switzerland |
Katarina | Paunovic | Serbia | Serbia |
Sarah | Payne | United Kingdom | United Kingdom |
Andrea | Prato | Italy | Italy |
Edwin | Reynders | Belgium | Belgium |
Laura | Rossi | Italy | Italy |
Peter | Rucz | Hungary | Hungary |
Lena | Schell-Majoor | Gerrmany | Gerrmany |
Osman | Sen | Turkey | Turkey |
Cheng | Yang | China | Hong Kong |
Xiaozheng | Zhang | China | China |
First | Last | Country | Country of Work/Study |
Vijaya | Ambrarisha | India | USA |
Annalies | Bockstael | Belgium | Belgium |
Cameron | Fackler | USA | USA |
Maria | Foraster Pulido | Spain | Spain |
Christoph | Hoeller | Germany | United Kingdom |
Maarten | Kornikx | Netherlands | Sweden |
Xin | Hau | China | USA |
Jeffrey | Kastner | USA | USA |
Seunghoon | Lee | Korea | Korea |
Shuhei | Oka | Japan | Japan |
Sönke | Pelzer | Germany | Germany |
Marcel | Remillieux | France | USA |
Jens | Rohlfing | Germany | Italy |
Josef | Schlittenlacher | Germany | Germany |
Louena | Shtrepi | Albania | Italy |
Rostand | Tayong | France | France |
Xavier | Valero | Spain | Spain |
Limin | Zhou | China | USA |
First | Last | Country | Country of Work/Study |
William | Baker | Zimbabwe | United Kingdom |
Thilo | Becker | Germany | Germany |
Efren | Fernandez-Grande | Spain | Denmark |
Balthasar | Fischer | Switzerland | Austria |
Byoungho | Kown | Korea | Korea |
Hyun | Lin | Korea | United Kingdom |
Thu Lan | Nguyen | Vietnam | Japan |
Quang | Nguyenhuy | Vietnam | Japan |
Eric | Schreurs | Netherlands | Australia |
Jianwei | Song | China | China |
Hui | Xie | China | United Kingdom |
Jianfei | Yin | China | United Kingdom |
First | Last | Country |
Ernesto | Accolti | Argentina |
Umberto | Berardi | Italy |
Hande | Bezci | Turkey |
Krishna Prampoorna | Biligiri | India/USA/Sweden |
Nikolay | Kanev | Russia |
Michal | Kozupa | |
Caroline | Marquez | Brazil |
Samira | Mohamady | Iran/Malaysia |
Elieni | Strufaldi | Brazil |
Kim | White | Netherlands |
Julia | Winwroth | Sweden |
Hui | Xie | China/United Kingdom |
Serkan | Zeren | Turkey |
- Noise/News International published an editorial by I-INCE Vice President of Technical Activities (Rajendra Singh) entitled “Expanding Horizons of I-INCE Technical Activities” in its 2012 June issue. The editorial can be found on the NNI website or by selecting this link. The article is on page 47.
- Noise/News International published a feature article by Vice President of Technical Activities (Rajendra Singh) entitled “I-INCE Young Professionals Program Offers Grants, Advice and Opportunity” in its 2012 September issue. The feature article can be found on the NNI website or by selecting this link. The article is on page 95.
- Noise/News International published a report on Inter-Noise 2016 and highlighted the YP program. The feature article can be found here.