There are two Member Societies of International INCE in Hungary, the Scientific Society for Optics, Acoustics, Motion Pictures, and Theater Technology (OPAKFI) and the Acoustical Commission of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. The Member Society Profile for this issue is OPAKFI; the profile for the Acoustical Commission of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences will appear in the June issue. The former has been a Member Society of International INCE since 1989, and the latter since 1976.
Acousticians in Hungary have organized 25 international events in the last 25 years; the most prominent meeting was the 7th International Congress on Acoustics (7th ICA) which was sponsored by the International Commission on Acoustics (ICA). This meeting was held in Budapest in 1971, and drew 1500 participants.
This year, the Noise and Vibration Control Section of OPAKFI, in cooperation with the Complex Acoustics Committee of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, is organizing the 26th INTER-NOISE Congress and the international satellite symposium, ACTIVE 97, on active control of sound and vibration. The details of both meetings in August are given on pages XX-XX of this issue.
OPAKFI is a non-profit organization that covers several scientific fields. There are seven sections:
- acoustics
- video technology
- micro technology
- photo and film technology
- theater technology
- optics
- noise and vibration control
The Association of Hungarian Acoustics is a member of OPAKFI, and has served for 60 years to unite active experts engaged in acoustics, noise control, and vibration technology in Hungary. The Noise and Vibration Control Section is the group that deals with noise control engineering.
OPAKFI is a member society of both International INCE, the Federation of Acoustical Societies of Europe (FASE), and the European Acoustics Association (EAA).
The Noise and Vibration Control Section is involved with the organization of courses, seminars, and national and international conferences. Members of the organization also participate in standards activities related to noise and vibration control, and carry out research in various fields related to environmental protection. Two important areas are noise control at the workplace (worker safety), and the publication of proceedings intended for professionals in the field.
The medal Pro Silentio is given periodically to the active specialists in the Society.