The Institute of Noise Control Engineering of Japan (INCE/J)


The Institute of Noise Control Engineering of Japan (INCE/J) was established in 1976 through the efforts of the Organizing Committee for INTER-NOISE 75, which was held in Sendai, Japan on 1975 August 27-29. The aims of INCE/J are to foster the development of science and technology in the field of noise and vibration control and to promote cooperation and mutual exchange of relevant knowledge among members.

The membership of the Institute is at present about 1,300 with about 140 companies and institutions as sustaining members. Members include researchers and engineers, administrative officials and others from universities, public agencies, instrument manufacturers, construction companies, consultants and other institutions. They are specialists in a wide range of fields such as architecture, civil engineering, mechanical engineering, applied physics, physiology, psychology, electrical engineering, medicine, and so forth.

The Institute publishes the Japanese journal Noise Control bimonthly. Each issue focuses on some problems related to noise and vibration and includes some technical papers.

At annual meetings of the Institute, about one hundred papers and technical reports are presented. In addition to the regular autumn meeting, a spring meeting was added in 2001. The technical committee of INCE/J also has some ten active subcommittees. Each subcommittee concentrates on its own special topic to meet the requirements of the times. Some such topics are “low frequency sound,” “administrative actions required for environmental noise and vibration abatement,” “noise in the work environment,” and “environmental noise prediction.” Various technical reports edited by the subcommittees have also been published for distribution among members. These reports include “The methods of assessment of noise and vibration for land use planning,” “Measurements and evaluations of noise in the work environment,” “Foundations and applications of sound intensity measurements,” “Measurements of low frequency sound and infrasound,” “Case study on noise and vibration control-visualized causes and solutions,” and others.

The Institute of Noise Control Engineering of Japan has contributed to international technical meetings such as INTER-NOISE, the Western Pacific Acoustics Conference and the International Congress on Acoustics (ICA), and also to drawing up the Japanese Standards concerning noise and vibration. INCE/J co-organized INTER-NOISE 94 held in Yokohama, Japan, with I-INCE and the Acoustical Society of Japan.

In 1995, INCE/J joined with the Acoustical Society of Japan, the Acoustical Society of America, and the Institute of Noise Control Engineering of the USA to sponsor ACTIVE 95, the 1995 International Symposium on Active Control of Sound and Vibration. The symposium was held in Newport Beach, California, USA on 1995 July 08-10.

In April 2004, INCE/J will join with the Acoustical Society of Japan and International Commission on Acoustics to sponsor the 18th International Congress on Acoustics (ICA 2004). The congress will be held in Kyoto, Japan on 2004 April 4-9.

INCE/J qualifies persons with sufficient experience in noise and vibration control for the title of “INCE/JAPAN consultant.” It also gives the Incentive Prize to at most five researchers every year for outstanding presentations given at the annual meetings.

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