Acoustical Society of Nigeria


The Acoustical Society of Nigeria (ASON) was chartered in 16th November, 2012

The aim of the Society is to:

  1. To make our environment free of sound pollution.
  2. To carry out studies and research in sound generation, sound transmission and sound perception.
  3. To make contributions from our research outcomes that will help reduce health dangers of sound generation and transmission in our communities
    1. Marketing:
      1. To initiate, encourage, support and co-ordinate scholarly research in the field of Acoustics
      2. To assist our Government in protecting our environment from noise pollution through research.
      3. To organize annual meetings, conferences, seminars, congresses and any other activities as maybe thought desirable in furtherance of the aims of the Society;
    2. To establish and publish regularly:
      1. A Newsletter to be known as Nigerian Acoustic News
      2. A learned journal to be known as Journal of Acoustical Society of Nigeria
      3. Other publications that may be approved from time to time
    3. To offer grants for research in these areas where ever desirable and practicable;
    4. To collaborate with the Federal, State and Local Government Areas, Federal Environmental Protection Agency and other agencies in all endeavors related to realizing a healthy acoustic environment
    5. To undertake such other activities as may be consistent with the foregoing aims and objectives.

Membership of ASON.

  1. Membership of the Society shall normally be open to all persons and bodies that deal with the field of Acoustics
  2. Persons who are generally interested in the promotion of the aims and objectives stated above are also eligible to become members
  3. There shall be five categories of membership:
    1. Full Membership, which shall be open to all persons who are professionally engaged in or concerned with Acoustic study and research.
    2. Society membership, which shall be open to all persons who have general interest in acoustic research.
    3. Corporate Membership which shall be open to all bodies and organizations which have general interest in acoustic research.
    4. Honorary Membership/Fellowship shall be conferred from time to time on such persons as are identified by the Executive Committee and approved by the Annual General Meeting of the Society to be deserving of such an honor.
    5. Student Membership shall be open to undergraduate and Post Graduate students at certain amounts as may be determined by ASON from time to time.

Thank You