The Norwegian Acoustical Society (NAS) is a voluntary association for acousticians and others who have a professional interest in acoustics in Norway. NAS was founded in Oslo 28 March 1955 as a branch of the Nordic Acoustical Society, which was founded the year before. A board consisting of five elected members manages the Society. Presently Professor Peter Svensson from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology is chairman.
Experts in the field of acoustics with an academic education from Norway or abroad, or other professionals who have acquired comparable knowledge, are eligible for membership. Persons who are especially qualified to promote the work of the Society through ordinary membership may also be accepted as members. Membership in the Society automatically gives membership in the Nordic Acoustical Society and the European Acoustics Association (EAA). The Board may accept organizations, companies, institutes and personal members who are interested in the goals of the Society, and who wish to support the Society with yearly contributions as supporting members. At the beginning of 2004, the Society consisted of 177 registered members and 11 sustaining members.
The main purpose of the Society is to establish contact between acousticians in Norway, and, through the membership in the Nordic Acoustical Society, with acousticians in the Nordic countries, as well as with other relevant national and international associations. The Society seeks to promote the development of acoustic research and techniques, and to contribute to the spread of information and knowledge within the field of acoustics.
Once a year, a technical NAS Fall Meeting is arranged for members and other interested professionals. Usually the meetings are held in one of the major cities: Oslo, Bergen, Trondheim, Stavanger. In 2005, the Society will have its 50th Anniversary Meeting. Every other year, NAS members participate in the meeting of the Nordic Acoustical Society. The Norwegian Acoustical Society in turn hosts the Nordic Acoustical Society meeting, NAM, approximately every eight years.
The Society publishes members’ news, NAS NYTT, three times a year. It is published electronically at NAS Internet Home Page,